Thursday, March 6, 2008

隐喻谷 - Metaphor Valley (Behind The Scene)

Metaphor Valley...? Where is it actually...? A story by Chin Pei and directed by Wai Leng and Chin Pei. First time shooting short film with seniors... When I read the script, I found that the story of "Metaphor Valley" was very nice and meaningful. I learned quite a lot of things during the production. BUT, one thing that really make me happy is ... I get thinner after the production cause during production, we need go up and down the jungle cause 90% of the short film's location was in the jungle. Unfortunately, there still one thing that make me unhappy as well ... I got sick a few days during the production.

Finally finish shooting the whole short film... Really very tired cause we spending a few days inside the jungle.

The whole team of crews and casts.

Metaphor Valley

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