Sunday, March 2, 2008

"The Remedy" Music Video (Behind The Scene)

Have you ever seen a fat and cute angel before...? If you haven't, here you come!!!

This is the first time I wear that weird for shooting. Ha! Ha! Ha! When the producer ask me to act as an "Angel" ... I a bit get shock. I really no idea how to act as an "angel". But luckily, after finish shooting and edit the whole music video ... is still ok lar the MV, quite funny also...

The Battle Begins - Angel vs Devil

Really take a long time to make up an angel and a devil face. Each time need around 1 hour to make up and make up everyday for 1 week. A lot of make up have put on my face...

On production.... 3... 2.. 1. Action!!!

Lighting!!! Please...

The Rain~ So Pity...

The Coffee

YEAH!!! Finally finish shooting... No need to wear the angel's costume again. Already wear for 1 week... Damn smelly~ First time being an angel... quite a good experience... Ha! Ha! Ha! and for you as well the devil, Gino... Good job....!!!

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