Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nemo ... 细佬

Recently, don't knows why.... I and Nemo (not the animation fish lar!!!) chat bout so many stuff...than before i knows him... Because of this we just suddenly automatically become bro... And of cause he is my "细佬 (sai lou)" lar... cause he is younger than me 4 years mah... Although I have a real bro... but maybe because of his characteristic is too quiet and won't talk to you much, so i cant share anything especially my personal problem wit him... Even thought i stll have 2 "kai mui mui" but sometimes i still need some guy opinion on certain problem....cause gals don't knows guys so much...what they think bout guys is all guys ego... Ha! Ha! Ha!

Me and my bro, both are wearing black as well... Can you spot us?

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