Tuesday, December 16, 2008

灰色城市 - The Fallen Utopia (Cover Story)

Presented by the Oh-Beh-Gong Drama Studio (OBGS). The Fallen Utopia is set in the year 2038, the world is facing challenges beyond what we have at present; our once fertile lands are turning into deserts; natural resources are scarce, the human race is dying out…

The main objective of this production is to deliver a message - through this production, we hope to be able to educate the audience. This drama featured all kinds of pollution, wars, and the fall of mankind. Our actions today will affect our future, our planet, and the coming generation. Thus, we hope to instill a sense of urgency, and to give the audience a variety of thoughts to ponder upon.

Cast Introduction - 人物介绍

曾耀祖 饰演 威文
Yew Joe as Wei Wen

黄文雁 饰演 晓靖
Amanda Wong as Xiao Jing

褚伟全 饰演 爷爷
Raymond Thee as Grandpa

庄洁佳 饰演 靖妈 & 西西
Charine Ch'ng as Mother Jing & Xi Xi

曾美琪 饰演 文福嫂
Maggie Chan as Wen Fu Shao

尤志文 饰演 老王
Edward Yu as Lao Wang

王希豪 饰演 瞎子-预言师 & 官员
Shi Hau as Blind Man - The Predictor & Officer

Venue : Auditorium Taman Budaya
Date : 27 December 2008 (Friday) till 28 December 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm (first session) & 8pm (second session)
Targeted Audience : Public
Entrance Fee : RM 25

Our production is absolutely non-profit: every performer and crew member is not receiving any monetary benefits. Our achievement is the best reward we can receive. We look forward to making contributions to Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah; all profit from the ticket sales will go to charity.

More Info... U may go to ...

The Fallen Utopia Official Website
Oh Beh Gong Drama Studio
Facebook Group

Promo Info

KL TimesOut Online Magazine
MYFM Radio Station
The Voice Online Radio (Interview)
Kaki Seni
Jmagz Malaysia

Copyright Reserved © Oh Beh Gong Drama Studio

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