Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Myterious Of Death Jungle

The Story Begin...

Eight people and a tourist guide with different identity and characteristic going for a trip in a rain forest. The trip was ended with a murder. Who was death and who was the killer...? Everyone, it seems, has secrets, including the tourist guide.

The Cast

alViM liM - ThE TalkActiVe TouRist GuidE
edMonD TeoH - ThE DuMd
FeLiciA - tHe riCh aUnTiE
bOoN - thE bOtaNisT
cInDy LieW - ThE arTisT
sEe HoW - THe gEEk
jArOn - ThE NurSe
weN piNg - tHe siSSy
ChEe yeN - tHe hAir stYliSt

oNe deAth JoUrneY

8ight PeoPle aNd A MurDereR

WhO wiLL bE tHe nExT?

No OnEs kNoWs...

wiLL aLL ThiS eNd...?

BeWarE! TheRe Is SoMeoNe waTcHinG aT YoU

Copyright Reserved © Oh Beh Gong Drama Studio

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